Social Media and Hiring

Social Media

More and more human resource departments are relying upon a social media and hiring process when looking for potential employees. Social media outlets, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, are being used to recruit qualified individuals for a variety of positions across a number of industries.

Individuals who are in the process of looking for a job should use social media websites to search for job openings at various companies. Applying for a job opening posted on a social media website could just land an individual the job of their dreams.

When searching for a job on social media, it is important to understand how social media and hiring go hand-in-hand. Using social media for hiring is becoming a very common practice of companies seeking qualified job candidates. The following is a look at some of the ways human resource departments have incorporated social media hiring practices and strategies into their day-to-day operations.


Networking with Qualified Candidates

Many human resource departments use the social media and hiring process to create a network of qualified candidates for a variety of positions. When a position opens up in a company, its human resource department can turn to this network and reach out to individuals for recommendations on potential employees.

One of the reasons this social media and hiring process is successful is its ability to target industry-specific individuals with experience or a specific skill set. It guarantees that people who are applying for a position have the qualities and skills needed to succeed.

For example, if a company is looking for people to write blogs, they can reach out to a community of writers for recommendations on potential employees. This will guarantee that the people who apply for the position have skills and/or experience with writing.

Free Job Opening Posts

Websites that allow companies and employers to post job openings often require a fee to be paid in advance. Social media allows employers to advertise new openings at their companies without having to pay a dime.

Human resource departments or employers who use this social media and hiring strategy can post links to blog posts or job applications, or tweet about new openings for free. This helps companies save money, while still getting a number of qualified individuals to apply for a specific position that has opened up within the company.

Tips for Job Seekers Using Social Media to Search for Jobs

Human resource departments are making it extremely easy for job seekers to find openings within their company through social media, but job seekers need to be careful. Social media use can backfire when looking for a job, as employers may use what is posted on a job seeker’s personal social media account to determine the individual’s qualifications, professionalism, and work ethic.

Job seekers who are thinking of applying for a company that uses social media to advertise its recent job openings may want to consider the following:

  • Keep posts on social media accounts professional
  • Make sure profile photos are professional
  • Keep interactions with specific companies professional

The age of combining social media and hiring is upon us. Job seekers who keep these tips in mind may be able to find their dream job just by checking their news feeds on Facebook or recent Twitter feeds.


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