Employment Services: Where to Find Employees That Have The Right Skills

Job Candiate


If you want to know where to find employees, you have to start by looking where the potential employees are spending their time. There are quite a few ways that job seekers are looking for new positions these days, but a significant majority of them are still using the most basic tool in the book: online job boards.  In some cases, the problem with using job boards, from an employer’s perspective, is simple: you only seem to get applications from people who are either desperate or apathetic.

Both of these problems have the same solution — it’s all about how you post jobs.  When you intend to get the best people for the position, you have to put in a bit more effort and be creative and use your marketing skills.  You need to have at least one person in your Employment Services division who can write. They need to create:


  • A title that says more about the job than just the job’s title — tell the job seeker what makes the position worthy of consideration. “Secretary to the President” means a lot more to a job seeker than simply stating the title as “Secretary”  Provide a description of the job that has the details relevant to a job-seeker’s life, not just their skills. Include an exact location (with address), a specific starting salary, and an accounting of the available benefits. Give them what they need to decide that this job is going to be good for their family and their social life as well as their pocketbook.
  • Body copy that sells the role to the job seeker. If you simply lay out a list of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ and ‘don’ts, you’re going to get a bunch of people who meet those needs and wants and don’ts. If you sell the job to the crowd, you’re going to get all of those same people — but you’re also going to get a more elite crowd of qualified individuals who have turned down dozens of similar positions because they were looking for a position that stood out — and those are the people that you want most.

Tips on Where to Find Employees

Well written job postings can attract Job Seekers and may lead employers to find employees to hire for open positions within their organization.  Employers who are seeking employees may use various resources in an attempt to find valuable candidates.   It is important to remember that those seeking  job candidates may find employees to hire by searching paid websites to find employees, as well as conducting a search for employees online for free.  Employers  may also post jobs to find employees that include running help wanted ads in print,  and online.  A key on where to find good employees often lies in the fact that valuable candidates are often those that are still employed in the workplace and are often not actively seeking a new employer.   Still, a savy recruiter know where to find  employees of this status and recruit these valuable candidates.


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