Educational Resources
Community College Finder,
American Association of Community Colleges, (AACC)
National Board for Certified Counselor and Affiliates,
Institution that accredits career counselors. This site may be used to locate a career counselor in your area or to verify the credentials of a career counselor.
US Department of Education
The US Department of Education Database,
Accredited Postseconday Institutions and Programs
Office of Apprenticeship Training,
Employer and Labor Services, Information on apprenticeships and assistance finding a program.
The Guide to Federal Student Aid,
Downloadable Federal Student Aid Guide
Federal Student Aid Programs,
Provides information on Federal Student Aid Programs including information on Grants.
Federal Work Study Program,
Provides general information on Federal Work Study programs.
Department of Education,
Student Loans
Scholarship Information,
A list of state higher education agencies that provides scholarship information.
The College Board,
Provides information on available scholarships