How to Find a Job in Today’s Economy

Search jobJob seekers – whether they are recent students fresh out of college or seasoned workers who have found themselves recently unemployed – find themselves looking for tips and tricks on how to find a job.Discovering and implementing some of the following tips on getting a job can help job seekers find, apply for, and potentially land any job – maybe even their dream job. The following is some advice job seekers can use when looking for ways to find a job.

Diversify the Resources Used to Find a Job

Every month approximately 3.95 million job openings are posted across the United States, according to the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unfortunately, job seekers that rely upon one resource to search for job listings will only see a small percentage of those jobs that are listed.

Job seekers need to diversify the number and type of resources they use to find posts for available job openings. Job seekers limit themselves when they only rely upon one resource, such as Craigslist or an employment website.

The best advice job seekers can use when looking for tips on how to find a job is to use a combination of resources. Job seekers should be using a combination of the following resources as ways to find a job:

  • Employment websites that specialize in connecting employers with potential employee candidates
  • Employment agencies
  • Classified websites, such as Craigslist
  • Official websites for specific companies/corporations/businesses
  • Social media websites
  • Networking websites, such as LinkedIn

Start Networking – Both In Person and Online

Networking is no longer just about building connections while at work, networking can help job seekers who are looking for ways to find a job. Networking allows individuals to create connections across a wide range of industries. When an individual loses their job or is looking to make a career switch, those connections can prove to be very helpful.

One of the most helpful tips on getting a job for current job seekers is to network both in person and online. Many job seekers will create a profile on a popular network website and believe that is enough to find a job, but it is not. It is important to create as many connections with individuals as possible and networking – both in person and online – will help to create those networks.

Some networking tips and advice for people looking into how to find a job include:

  • Keep a business card ready at all times
  • Update information, including employment history and skills, on networking websites
  • Learn how to create a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’ that talks about skills, accomplishments, and employment history
  • Attend multiple networking events held throughout the community

Taking this advice on how to find a job and implementing it into the day-to-day job search can help job seekers expand their horizons and hopefully land a job quickly.


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